Friday, March 5, 2010

Does Red Bull Really Give You Wings?

Energizing with friends before a bicycle tour of Paris

I admit it, I’m Red Bull that is. It was not love at first taste but rather an acquired taste I have grown to love over the last 7 years and I’m not the only one. According to Jay R. Hoffman, PhD, energy drinks are one of the most popular supplements in the American adolescent and young adult population.

Not only does Red Bull give me energy and wake me up but I swear when I drink it I can’t help but be happy. My husband, who often calls it my ‘happy juice’, sometimes has it waiting for me in the mornings (I take that as a sign that I can be kinda grouchy upon awakening. lol). While there have been no conclusive studies it is believed that phenylethylamine is one ingredient in energy drinks that may enhance mood. Other vitamins found in energy drinks, like Red Bull, are Niacin and Vitamin B6 and B12.

So how does energy drinks affect athletic performance?

Energy drinks and health risks have made headlines in the early 2000’s. The herb ephedra alkaloid was linked to many heat related deaths of professional athletes (which was shown to elevate heart rate and blood pressure and unmask underlying cardiovascular problems.) In 2004, the FDA prohibited the sale of ephedra (I am unaware if ephedra is still sold in other parts of the world. My guess would be yes, so that is something to keep in mind for all you travelers out there!)

Current energy drinks in the U.S. do not contain this herb and recent studies have shown that these energy drinks are actually quite safe. Another factor I had to consider is caffeine’s effect on the body when exercising. I would often avoid energy drinks pre-race simply because I was under the assumption that the caffine may cause dehydration. Research has proven this to not be the case. When consumed in moderation, caffinated drinks will effect the body much like water.

Studies have also shown that energy drinks can delay fatigue, enhance alertness, focus, and reaction time and improve the quality of a resistance training workout but did not show any improvement on strength or power performance exercises (Hoffman).

The good news is it appears that energy drinks are not harmful when combined with exercise and can actually improve your workout. But like with any exercise regimen, use caution and listen to your body prior to adding any supplement to your workout, especially if you are new to working out, overweight, exercising in the heat or have pre-existing heat/heart/cardiovascular related issues. Consume in moderation if you choose to use an energy drink prior to a workout.

As for me, if I'm really in a workout funk, I may turn to Red Bull to give me wings but for now I will continue to drink my ‘happy juice’ in the AM or when I need that extra boost throughout the day. Afterall, I'm one of those creatures of habit Lisa was talking about in a previous Running Buddies post! ;)

Side Note: Check back on March 10th for another Running Buddies giveaway. Hey, its our blog and we can bribe our readers if we want to! :)


  1. I just read a great article about caffeine and its effects on glycogen storage and replenishment after long workouts! Here is the link. I also read another one which I am having trouble "re-finding" about how those who had caffeine post workout retained 66% more of their already replenished glycogen!

  2. I am a fan of sports drinks, any flavor of Rockstar, both before and after runs. I drink them before long runs just in case my glycogen levels are low as this prevents bonking out at mile two! After the run it's a great energy replacement drink (lots of B vitamins and caffeine) as well as simply tasting really good.

  3. Caryn! Good, interesting post. I think your hubby has bought me a few energy drinks in the past. Now, I'm worried, I wonder if he felt I needed a little "happy juice", too! ;)

    A female physician spoke at my MOPS group this week, she said a lot of women are low in B vitamins (and also D) and don't know it. I personally love drinks that naturally contain, or are fortified with, vitamins. If you're ever looking for something without caffeine, V-8 Splash is my fav!

  4. Great post, Caryn! Thanks for the info!
